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Economic Considerations for the Future Use of Coercive Force: What the PRC is Learning from the Russia-Ukraine War

The PRC is observing and learning about the ability of global actors to employ economic tools to punish the invasion of a foreign entity.

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China’s Path to Taiwan Runs Through the Global South

The PRC understands better than ever that its success to forcefully reunify Taiwan depends on the Global South

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Pivotal Lessons from the War in Ukraine: The Value of Decentralized Command and Control

To prevail in an era of strategic competition, the United States must understand the lessons its adversaries are extracting from ongoing conflicts to anticipate change in future conflict scenarios.

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Russian Nuclear Thresholds after the Kursk Offensive

Despite the lack of notable Russian escalation in response to the Kursk offensive, it would be a mistake to simply dismiss Russia’s nuclear threats wholesale.

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Please Stop Saying "Human-In-The-Loop"

By repeating a conventional wisdom that is not present in policy, we obscure the importance of human judgment and its connection to the laws of war and just war principles.

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Artificial Intelligence

Now Open: John Fox IFC Future Conflict Fellow

The IFC is looking to hire someone with significant experience in either the military, policy making, or academia focused on the National Defense Strategy and future conflict.

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Now Open: Senior Wargaming Fellow Application

The IFC at the US Air Force Academy is seeking qualified candidates for the full time, on-site position of Senior Wargaming Fellow.

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The Yemen Model

Why the US keeps getting it wrong in Yemen.

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New Books: Alexandra Stark on Yemen

Alexandra Stark argues that the United States has consistently gotten it wrong in Yemen by focusing almost exclusively on the security threat du jour instead of the country’s long-term stability.

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Keeping Arctic Logistics on Ice for Global Security

Russia and China are prioritizing Arctic development. The United States should do the same.

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Threading the Nuclear Needle: Expanded Targeting and Escalation Risks in the War in Ukraine

If the West is to help Ukraine prevail, accepting and managing risk will be a necessary component of future policy decisions.

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North Korea and Russia: A Marriage of Convenience

The one lesson North Koreans have taught the world in their pursuit of nuclear weapons is that it may take them a while but eventually they figure it out.

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North Korea
Kim Jong Un